I am writing this blog on behalf of my much younger brother Trey who loves attention.
And anything to do with a keyboard.
I am a painfully quiet person. Except on certain subjects. Our president, Mr. Bush is one of those subjects. While visiting my mother, stepfather, and of course Trey in new jersey last week we managed to get into an argument over the state of our country and other countries. Mostly in how things are perceived. I explained to my still 9/11 angry mother that she could not completely remark on people of the middle east in a derogatory manner, as every other country thought Americans were obese, stupid, and George Bush.
Trey immediately interjected with his high helium voice "Hey! He's our president!" Trey has reached the age where he MUST MUST MUST be included in every single conversation. I turned to him in the heat of the already heated conversation and said "Our president is a jerk." Now, Trey is without a doubt my buddy. He's depended on me to tell him the truth or take him on big boy rides and outings for about two years. Yes, I have told him Santa Claus is quite real. So is the tooth fairy. Yes, you can be a superhero when you grow up. He's seven in november, he can have the 7 year old truth's.
Yes Trey, it is ALL real. Except the boogeyman he's fake...don't worry about him.
Anyway, my mother immediately looked in shock. They live as one of about 4 democrat families in the entire town. Fearing her son would be ostracized she began the rant. Trey on the other hand seemed to be contemplating something very deep. His freckled nose scrunched, his eyebrows knitted and he let out a long "Hmmm". While my mother was telling me Trey would be beaten up by meaty republican worshipping omen children Trey suddenly interjected:
"The president is a jerk! A real real real jerk! He's mean and stupid and when we say the pledge of allegiance we shouldn't say it about him! He's wrong! He hurts people and he's wrong and ugly...."
This went on for about 3 minutes.
My mother, ready to strangle me I'm sure. (Trey is similar to me at that age in scrawniness, disliking any kind of violence, being very sensitive and similar delicacy...ugh) It's obvious WHERE Trey got his information from...My mother told him he couldn't think things like that. Trey now loud and angry told her it was the truth and that george washington said....
Trey quotes Washington (or something resembling it) often.
He then said he wished George Bush would just die.
Now it was bedtime and he marched up the stairs muttering endlessly. (Is it wrong that despite my wishing he hadn't hoped death on bush...I found this all endlessly endearing and funny?)
Laying in bed I told him that he WAS allowed to dislike bush, but it wasn't nice to hope someone would die. Then I explained karma.
Trey has taken that all in.
He is also now drawing pictures crossing out Bush and protesting on his front lawn, as well as explaining to people his views on the matter.
Some say it's whining. I believe it's much much more.
If you happen to be in the middle of new jersey and see an almost 7 year old standing on his lawn (probably wearing a shirt with a superhero or a skull on it) please ask him his views on America.
He has very much to say.
So I'll say goodbye in the words of Trey:
Hasta Da Bista (Hasta la vista), my bad, byyye byyyye and subway eat FRESH!
Trey watches a few too many commericials..
Lol night.

P.S. Trey is on the right in the blue hat