Monday, August 21, 2006

Barbaro and Other Stories

Hey all!

According to recent reports Mr. Barbaro is doing just fine. He is wearing this fall's new fashion statement of a supportive sneaker, a neck brace, and his cast. He has a few blisters on his hip from antiseptics and sweating but otherwise his mood is excellent and he's been acting like a good normal horse. He's still receiving numerous gifts of apples and carrots and has even been sprinkled with holy water by well wishers. He hasn't needed any epidurals for weeks (yay!) and his sling hasn't been used either. His owners are incredibly caring of him and will spend as much money and care needed to help him.

I think he's going to make it.

In other news, my dog Muzzy has waged war on all those who keep her from mangos.

Hide your mangos.

She is a terrierorist!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

MUZZY! Now she's into mangos? I'll have to send some over care of Miss. Arabella Luna

(Or else she might bomb me with her ball!)

21 August, 2006  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

Whew, I'm safe. No mangos here.

Wouldn't it be nice if every injured creature could get the care Barbaro has gotten. That would be one of my wishes if I ever find my magic lamp.

21 August, 2006  
Blogger enigma4ever said...

So she is into Mangos....
She is lovely BTW...
My Lilly likes melon..they could have fruit salad lunch sometime..

Thanks for the Good News about Barbero..

21 August, 2006  
Blogger vanillabirdies said...

Barbaro is a very lucky horse.

It would be wonderful if all horses and animals alike could be so lucky

I'm sure they'd have a lovely fruit salad lunch :)

I will give muzzy your compliment :)

21 August, 2006  
Blogger Durward Discussion said...

Being a dedicated fan of racing, I have been following Barbaro's condition closely. He is very fortunate. Unfortunately, another great champion, "Lost In The Fog" wasn't so fortunate. This great horse has been racing all year without his normal verve, but still winning races. The cause: A large inoperable cancerout tumor. He was taken home to be kept as comfortable as possible, until he must be put down.

In my household, the murderous feline better known as "Six Toed Mittens" is steadily eliminating every mouse, mole, and shrew in the neighborhood. I'm thinking of sending her to Stephanie Miller to handle her rat problem.

22 August, 2006  

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