Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Tidbits of Information

A few things to speak of:

In Britain, Private Harry Farr has been pardoned for not returning to the front line...during World War One. The soldier was executed at dawn on October 2, 1916 on the order of his officers. His descendents had been arguing for a pardon on the grounds that he was in shell shock. The government has later stated that it would seek Parliament's approval on pardoning the other 306 soldiers that were executed during World War One. Ninety years later.

I feel it's very important that this has and will occur. WW2 had so much propoganda, help from the rest of America, and overall respect for the soldiers whereas WW1 left the soldiers very much alone. Many young men died or were in fact "ruined". Many returned home to America to be forgotten and without shelter. They were a nasty reminder of what had happened. It is completely possible that Harry Farr and the other known 306 soldiers that were executed all were suffering from shell shock. Poison mustard gas, guns, and death surrounded them. It is impossible to believe that anyone could remain sane in those conditions.

The executions were about respect and duty. They wouldn't go back, they had failed.

It's still a crock of shit that ninety years later they would be pardoned. Many of these soldiers at their death were very young men just out of "teenagehood".

I don't know one person who has come back from THIS war anywhere the same. Or treated the same.

That's how it is with every war.

In other news, Michael Schiavo has been turned into political box office gold. Since the fiasco that involved Terri Schiavo's 15 year coma and death, he has been a "target" of the government (Oh aren't we all...kidding). The democrats have scooped up Schiavo as someone who is still angry at his own government intrusion. With all right he is still infuriated by the pressure that was put on the removal of his wife's feeding tube as that is how he felt she would have wanted it. Her parents adamantly refused and it started a very large battle. Where all the wonderful right wing christians came crying and screaming and holding glasses of water.

That's still pretty fresh in everyone's head it was not ninety years ago.

Well, good for the democrats. However it was still no one else's business. Religion and politics of course do not mix. (Unless your George Bush! Or Mel Gibson!)

To end off the blog on a sad note,Bruno Kirby died monday on complications related to leukemia. He was 57 years old. Despite the ideas of premature death...and what constitutes premature he was still young. Death comes as it comes. When it comes, a lifeline has run out. He will be very much missed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor bruno kirby.

he will be missed.

a lot of death in this blog...

16 August, 2006  
Blogger Michael Bains said...

Salud for Bruno Kirby!

16 August, 2006  
Blogger Durward Discussion said...

eprof2 from crawfordslist is following a modern day version of this story. A young man from Fort Lewis who is refusing to return to an "illegal" war.

WWI was horrendous for the average soldiers. There were so many examples of atrocities on all sides. One of the best histories is World War I

17 August, 2006  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

RIP Bruno

19 August, 2006  

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