Saturday, August 12, 2006

It's a flavorful life!

7 up is now made from about five flavors.

Five natural flavors.

I'm not quite sure how to take on the natural part.

It's like David Gest saying he's all natural.

You just can't believe it no matter what you do.

So where is this blog actually going to go?

To the competition!

Dr. Pepper now has a big ol' 23 on its label because IT has 23 flavors.

Imagine the people of dr. pepper sitting around and going "Five all natural flavors!!! Why we can't beat that!"

Oh ho ho, Dr. Pepperians but you can!

Why! Let's take all of our (not so) natural flavors and pop em on! Because the more flavors you got the more hep you are!

Yes these flavors are probably even less natural than 7-up's major five.

What I love is how much this reminds me of people I know...namely certain females.

In america the way to fight obesity seems to first start with utter denial and stay there for a few years.

(Actually that's the way we do a lot in america)

I love when no one actually works or exercises...

They walk around with a Jamba Juice.

Granted every once in awhile you'll find me with a jamba juice.

But more often you'll find me with a regular black coffee.

Jamba Juice makes you appear so very healthy.

Oh yes. Oh yes.

A similar idea (though I'm not sure of anyone with the mentality over 10 would do this) is to eat maraschino cherries by the bucketful with the serene conscience that they were cherries. And therefore quite healthy.

Yeah, eat two jars a day for a year and weigh yourself. See if anything changed.

Lol, denial denial denial.

It's not just a river in egypt, and it loves the fast food business.

So you can take your five flavors that are "natural" or your 23 that are vague.

Or you can drink water.

I still prefer coffee though.


Blogger enigma4ever said...

please come take a look at my post today- important to everyone on my blogroll- thanks.

13 August, 2006  

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