Saturday, August 26, 2006

But Will You Love Me Tomorrow?

The morning after pill will now be available without prescription to anyone over 18 at all pharmacies.

However you will be reprimanded endlessly by your pharmacist, elderly women, and even little children you dirty dirty girls!

...just kidding.

Though there is some good controversy over the availability...and it's not from politicians...or Tom Cruise!

Women themselves all have very different opinions on the matter. Some feel it's an excuse to be "forgetful", others a reason for men not to use condoms. However, of course many women are relieved that the morning after pill will be much more available.

The truth is, accidents happen. It's good that there is a quick thing to do to protect yourself. But rather than the idea it will "increase promiscuity" and unprotected sex I do wonder what the long term effects of it when used very often. Everything else seems to have an effect.

Well, yay for modern medicine. Keep using the condoms kids.

Happy saturday night! I am inside with a cruddy cold here is some youtubeination!


Blogger Durward Discussion said...

Sorry you have a cold. We are sharing the diseased nostrils.

While I agree that the pill morning after or straight is a good thing because accidents do happen, I'm not pleased with the societal effects over the long term.

Men don't respond well to not being needed and somewhere down deep, I think some men have gotten the idea that if women only get pregnant if they want to, then somehow it has nothing to do with them. That's the societal side.

On the medical side, it has been proven that women with multiple partners are more likely to develop cervical cancer. If the morning after pill is used as an excuse to have unprotected sex when "hooking up", it could lead to not only more STDs but to long term ramifications.

27 August, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree. i think its great we have a pill for that but what happens when people get lazy?

27 August, 2006  

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