Monday, March 12, 2007

Captain's Log ABCDEFG A.D.

Spring! Winter has finally unglued itself.

A few days ago my friend and I compared notes on why winter hadn't left. I didn't really give her too much of a chance for her explanation as I quickly gave my two explanations...Hers would have been much too much realistic at this point.

"Well, it did come late this year..."

One: Winter is the rich spoiled party guest that arrived late. Got very drunk and danced on your tables topless (while no one wanted her to), cried hysterically over something and is now passed out in your bathroom refusing to leave...After vomiting on your shoes. Just because you came late doesn't mean the party didn't end!

Okay horrible analogy. Funny though when it was 14 degrees out.

Two: Mother Nature is going through a horrible breakup and can't deal. (Global Warning isn't helping her either) She's been eating Ben and Jerry's and watching Lifetime movies. Give her some time.

So, Winter is every one's Hilton sister from Hell, and Mother Nature needed some time.

Note to self: Get more sleep.

Spent today with Dad walking downtown. He has a lot of history there so we made good conversation...We usually do. I don't understand that whole "rebel against your parents" clause the youngsters create. I like my parents. I'm friends with my parents. Rebel against what?

My big form of "rebellion" was to stick a stud in my nose...Which I then decided I didn't like...It lasted all of a week! Otherwise it seemed silly. My father would just roll his eyes and my mother would have sworn she'd done it first.

Actually she probably would have done it already...But she needs to make sure we all know she did it first. Because she did. Okay. (Heehee)

It was a great day for clothing, babies, and dogs; we commented. Everything he pointed out had a story or someone famous attached to it. I was thrilled to see Screaming Mimi's had not become a trap for the dreaded "baditude". Still wonderful, and amazing. And on the way back I fell in love with a pink tweed hat on a vendor's stand. All in all a fantastic day. :)

As for the rest of the week: pray the weather stays beautiful, kiss the dog, get my freckles back, and on St. Patricks Day go to Beatlefest.

How do you say "Trekkie" in Liverpudlian?

Have a good day!!!!!!


Blogger Durward Discussion said...

Thank you for the laugh out loud "Paris Pukes" version of winter. Let us hope Ceres doesn't have too many more hot flashes and manages to pick up Persephone for some nice mother/daughter time.

12 March, 2007  
Blogger COLORADO BOB said...

Here's yer ATTA Girl

14 March, 2007  
Blogger Durward Discussion said...

Here is a great blog about why you should make that round the world trip when age and possibility permit.

Lost Girls

16 March, 2007  

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