Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hey, How did this happen?

Blog Of The Day Awards Winner

I can't imagine how or why but I'm very pleased to see it.

I was also pleased that the so called battered video of Snoopy Come Home was not battered at all. And I cried through most of it. I still am!

I think the weather's getting warmer, maybe it's false hope BUT I think it will :)

I came home to a livid Dad who explained to me that my fish Yule had passed away. Or at least he thought he had. Cool Yule the siamese fighting fish who had been rescued from a toilet seat a few years ago had become the insular observer staple in my room. My father handed me the net and I went into the room (of course crying) to pay my last respects. He explained I could get a new siamese fish and I told him I never would. I would have to get a different fish if I did. However the idea of handling him with that stupid net that he hated seemed ridiculous.

I unplugged the tank and reached in when suddenly I felt something slap against my hand. Yule is not dead was not dead and did not particularly enjoy being thought of as dead. The best explanation being "What the fuck!?" and the second being "Fuck you!!!"

I never thought of him as polite anyway.

Ecstatic that my friend isn't dead, I had to explain that he mostly did sleep. I know he'll die eventually. He's outlived quite a few fish. The age that his breed usually die at is two. He's three and a half. He basically sleeps 14 hours a day, looks crabby and eats. He loves his medicine. He's a cranky old bat. Or fish. I love him so, so very much.

Happy Non-Death Day I suppose :)

So here's to an old fish and a movie that makes me cry...NIGHT!!!!!!!!




Blogger Michael Bains said...

Would that every Non-Death Day could be so happy. Nothin' like a little dread diffused to make life seem sweeter, eh.

That video was sooo cute.

Well, another Happy Non-Death Day to you Vanilla B Arabella.

19 February, 2007  
Blogger Kerry McKibbins said...

Hey, I think you deserve blog of the day! I enjoy your blog!

19 February, 2007  
Blogger Durward Discussion said...

I nominated you for viewpoint, originality and just plain wonderfulness.

Great websites (pass along to 9/11)

Lots and lots of trivia and background on stage and movie musicasl.

19 February, 2007  
Blogger Sue said...

Congrats on all counts, nilla!

20 February, 2007  

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