Tuesday, November 14, 2006


There is nothing quite as thrilling as the perfect ribbon red.

Red in fact can be quite unpleasing to look at. It stems from garish to bitter. Red lipstick can be horrible or perfect. But the perfect red can have more value and effect than any other color in the world.

It also is intensely mood altering. Red is a feared color. A bad red screams harlot. An even worse red whispers death.

Then there is in my opinion the best red, ribbon red. The same color that has been used for the Aids ribbon. It is impossible not to recognize and the eye immediately trails onto it.

In Le Ballon Rouge, Pascal follows and is followed by his new friend a red balloon. Against the rainy backdrop of France the balloon pops. It does not pop in an angry way. There is nothing to the balloon that forces you to watch it, you do not want to turn away as the color bleeds into your memory. It's a happy red. Bright with only the lightest blue tinge to keep it cool.

Maybe I just have a thing for a good red. As a baby I liked to watch Maureen O'Hara in the middle of the night with my father. I liked the color of her hair.


A darker red makes even the daftest feel intellectual and "with it".

Whatever it may be. :)

Although it's a primary color it's "perfect" hue can be a pain to try and mix. One step off and you're 18 million shades and paces from where'd you like to be...or look.

It's also an alluding cosmetic. Red hair dye fades faster than any other color. Red lipstick is sexually alluring and daring again.

Red roses sell the most.

Red signifies many,many things.

The same red that people may signify with love is also signified with "seeing red".

Snow White's mother prayed for "a baby rosy as the blood" (in some versions she only has lips as red as a rose, or lips as red as blood...many variations)


It is the most tempermental of hues.

And most worth it when it's perfect :)



Blogger COLORADO BOB said...

For you and your dad :

Click Here

15 November, 2006  
Blogger Durward Discussion said...

Colorado Bob beat me to posting the link, so about today's post.

A beautiful song about parent and child: Scarlet Ribbons

Then you have Scarlett O'hara

Red as a Beet for being totally abashed.

Most memorable red, the little girl in the red coat in the tragic middle of the black and white Schindler's List.
Very much rouge et noir.

That movie requires you to go back to Le Ballon Rouge for a necessary lightness of being.

15 November, 2006  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

This is such a good post. You covered a lot of ground and tied it up nicely with a big red bow. :)

16 November, 2006  

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