Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in and stops my mind from wandering...where it will go-o-o

Not a hole but a wall. Actually about four. Strange abstract shapes are beginning to take place on my walls to cover old paint and coffee stains that somehow flew from their cups onto my walls sprinkling and dripping down like dirty brown raindrops.

As well as circles, cartoons, and letters...oh my!

Somehow still slightly sick and have caught a bug of some sort, but I needed some arty project of some sort or my mind was going to swallow me up whole.

(Despite some very slowly drawn drawings, and slightly lost piano playing)

However, I like my mind to wander. I think most people do. It's a very comforting thing being left to your own thoughts (if your thoughts are for the most part positive)

Mine usually are.

But of course in sick brain land your mind can go to very funny places. And very weird contemplations.

For one,

Basil (BAAH-ZIL) Is a very cool name.

For two,

Friends do date utter morons.

For three,

I could live off of canned black olives, broccoli rabe, and eggplant for the rest of my life.


What could you live off of?

Really, what could you live off of?

Oh and cherries. Although I hear they make you sick if you eat too many.

To the joy of my father and uncle the new "Doctor Who" series is bringing back the beloved K-9...too bad I like the show now, yet another thing that slices friday nights into a mad dash for a cab...stopping only at a deli for something slightly inedible and running upstairs 5-10 minutes after the show has started...it's always 5-10 minutes after it's started...I'm always 5-10 minutes late...ugh...watch Doctor. Who!

Things I could never ever do: Kill someone, have a cubicle, eat meat again, leave new york city for too long, do math, be a republican, and wear ugg's.

I like ugg's. I just can't imagine spending that much money on something that looks and feels like a pair of slippers.

If it looks like slippers and feels like slippers and costs close to $200 dollars...you're crazy!

Well, it's been a long enough day although the sun began to set at about 5:50...yowch, haven't seen that for awhile :)

Happy Tuesday...and Happy Wednesday...and so on and so on and scooby dooby dooby.

Oh by the way this is my bug...isn't he a hip lil' sickener?

Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus Sympathy for The Devil :)


Blogger pissed off patricia said...

First of we gotta get rid of that bug. We gotta get you well. Toss his cute little bug butt out the window.

Look carefully at the wall stains. Do any of them look a little like the Virgin Mary? If they do, we're talking money and ebay.

I could live on seafood the rest of my life. Toss in just about any vegetable and of course I have to have cheese.

04 October, 2006  
Blogger Durward Discussion said...

So do you now know how many holes it takes to fill Albert Hall?

Addicted to the new Dr. Who.

Could probably live off of spanikopita or classic onion soup with all that lovely cheese and no avocado is safe in my vicinity.

Brain meanderings are great places to visit. Probably shouldn't live there.

Buy bug spray. Use liberally. Since you are not a Republican, you can't use it conservatably.

Take care of you and family.

05 October, 2006  
Blogger Durward Discussion said...


Excuse the word invention Bushism.

05 October, 2006  
Blogger enigma4ever said...


hmm, hope you are feeling better...

favorite things....Green Tea Frappycinos ( yeah from Starbucks- totally hooked on this frothy upgly green drink..)...brocolli and cheese...nuts and popcorn....( actually I live on this all this time now ;-)

06 October, 2006  

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