Monday, June 05, 2006

I'll pay the rent...but please dont make me watch the rent

Ok, I spent about 5 months arguing with myself over seeing "RENT"..possibly more. Quite definitely more..but alas my math is, has, and will always be horrible.

Okay, I come from a side of a family that is totally devoted to musicals. My father's a playright, I've had opera coming out of my ears for well as every other possible libretto that could be jammed into those 7ft tall bookshelves.

Rent has been known by me only as that song we were forced to sing in elementary school. Five hundred 25 thousand 600 ways for your ears to slowly melt off of you face and hang like a beautiful african tribal ritual.

Why couldnt we sing Joy To The World like all those other happily oblivious children who would drink wine with jeremiah the bullfrog?...hey its better for them than hanging out at neverland with michael jackson singing disney and thriller...right on?

The answer being....

We didn't have a pretty normally erractic drama "teacher"

We had Mario Cantone's sister.

Yes Ms. Cantone. Ms. Smoking, Hacking, Glaring, Dentured Cantone.

Who made many many helpless little children miserable lol.

But anyway back to RENT. This RENT we speak of. The original reason I thought maaaybe I will see RENT..This RENT lol

Why? Because friends and other friendettes chirped "you are so like a character from rent!"


"Well you know I mean aren't you all artistic and shit?"

I hate the and shits lol

I think I need new friends lol. One's who don't pay attention to the characters from RENT.

So my friend skylar who wants to be a singer/actress/baker/ps model/csi agent...also wanted to go. So we made plans to go..and we didnt go...*phew* :)

Instead we ate cheap chinese and sat on her roof with a few other people in the cold.

So months and months later Rent appeared on DVD, VHS, OnDemand..and just basically in your face.

Hmm I think I'll rent maybe not

Hmm I think I'll rent RENT...oops the TV isn't working again

Hmm I think I'll rent RENT...I think I'll go read something...

But then one there is no day like today...Rent was rented.

2 hours and 17 minutes of my life were wasted except for the usual tidbits of information.

*Hey aren't these actors like 38 now?

*Mmm Taye Diggs.

*Why do they look so healthy?

*Thats a mighty fine looking loft you got there you broke, diseased, picked on youth of 38.

*Hey! That's not New York!

*Mmm Taye Diggs.

*Wow now that whole area is chic..ugh why!!!!

*Mimi has like half my wardrobe. Give me those boots Mimi!

*I hope they don't come up with a quiz "how to tell if you're a bohemian"...

*This is so fake.

*Hey being homeless, having HIV or AIDS, and being broke doesnt sound so bad! I could so do that, My skin would look awesome, I'd have tons of cool gadgets and clothes...and a loft! And perfect teeth and perfectly mussed hair!

The new title(s) of RENT...

"HIV" Tagline: The New And Improved You

"No Day Like Today"...To bleach your teeth

"Playing Po" Tagline: You don't need to be dirt poor to be broke

"Dancing on tables is fun"...because obviously isn't it!

"Junkie" Tagline: The New Spa Treatment

Lol ok mine are pretty lame but if ANYONE has any they'd like to share feel free!


P.S. Refrain from watching Rent UNLESS you are one of the following:
*From Suburbia
*An overweight 12-17 year old girl with a hard ass she puts it.
*Christopher Columbus
*Someone trying to find a way to kill Christopher Columbus
*Already Dead (no time wasted folks!)
*Have the hots for someone in the cast...mmm taye diggs..although it didnt save me
*Want a quick way to becoming an "artist"
or H. All of the Above.

If you in fact chose H. Then you are a suburban overweight 12-17 year old girl with a hard ass life named Christopher Columbus who in fact wants to kill herself to stop making these bad movies although you're already dead and have the hots for one of the cast members while possibly talentless but really really really looking for a quick way to become an "artist".

If you do happen to be H. give me a call we'll have coffee...I'm very interested to see how your life is going H...maybe we could be friends :)

lol so there love,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

but i loved rent! lol whats your problemo with da rentie? rent rent rent love love love

14 June, 2006  

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